Thursday, March 13, 2014

Maison & Objet Asia is almost over...

...but we can look back at 4 great days.

After the TOP MARQUES fair in Shanghai last year, this has been the second fair Stockinger has ever participated in Asia.
Home security is an important topic and we want to show that a safe doesn't have to come along with a bulky grey design. Our luxury safes are like pieces of art: you want to show them. And our clients don't even have to be anxious showing their safes. Our high-security safes provide perfect protection for your jewelry or watch collections. Equipped with state-of-the-art watch winder, our safes are made to be watch safes each watch aficionado will be delighted of.

With bringing our luxury watch safes to Singapore, we wanted to show our security concept to a few more people! We hope we've been successful!